Our professional team of translators, interpreters, subtitlers and project managers are happy to be at our partners’ service. Web designers, graphic experts and a complete technical team supports our colleagues in order to contribute to a sublime final result. Our international team provides professional language services tailored to your specific needs. We work with a considerable pool of linguists with two headquarters in Paris and in Budapest.
Founded in 2008 in Budapest, iCan Solutions has been serving multinational companies, small and medium enterprises, sports clubs, medical institutions, governmental bodies along with private clients providing world class language services based on our extensive, global network of translators, interpreters and subtitlers – a sophisticated professional team. Our focus enables us to provide a customized, reliable expert synthesis across scientific, medical, industrial, legal, financial, marketing, web, IT and business disciplines.
Our linguists and consultants have similar professional and educational backgrounds to those at generalist strategy consulting firms but with a significant advantage: 100% of iCan translators and interpreters master their mother tongue at a very high level and have a deep knowledge not only of other languages but also a profound understanding of the cultural background in question.
iCan Translate serves its clients with enthusiasm and understanding coupling with expertise and thoroughness.