+33 7 78 19 13 79

Web services & DTP

We prepare your translation in a ready-to-print format so that you can save time and money on the adaptation of the design.

iCan Translate Web Services and DTP department was established to provide specialised services associated with multilingual solutions. The last decades people sent Word files exported from a layout file for translation. Once the translation was complete, the work of putting the translated text back into the existing layout was on the client, took time and cost a lot of money. You don’t need to pound away at transforming your document into the original format anymore because our technicians will do the work for you.


An outstanding, multilingual publication looks good and meets printer’s specifications. Desktop publishing, digital typesetting, and pre-press layout.


Our professional, creative and skilled team of designers make your documents and company material look professional, cutting-edge, and inviting.


Our team of web developers, designers and linguists offer smart web solutions and localization services on an international scale.

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Graphic designer - iCan Translate

Aesthetics play an important role in the success of content. Making your publications – internal or external –look good and meet printer’s specifications requires very specific skills and knowledge. We offer desktop publishing, digital typesetting, and pre-press layout so the look of your translated materials become every bit as good as the original for consistently impactful global reach.

We also welcome demands that do not require translation services. Let our professional, creative and skilled team of designers make your documents and company material look professional, cutting-edge, and inviting. Whether it’s about designing your logo, creating a brochure, letterhead, advert, or product manual, we can take your basic concept and create fully-formed, modern-looking designs that capture your company’s culture and values and render them into beautiful, clean files that can be transmitted electronically, directly to your press office.

Our team has over 10 years of hands-on experience in providing DTP solutions. It takes years of experience and training to become proficient in any desktop publishing application. Each iCan designer and technician is highly skilled in the tools required to get the job done right.

The team of iCan Translate can provide exclusively creative services concerning the design, development and deployment of multilingual websites.

Creating your company’s own website is one thing. Offering multilingual web solutions is a completely different universe. No matter which solution you are interested in, our team of web developers, designers and linguists are here to help you.

When launching your website we offer smart, simple and hand-made web solutions to our customers. Our project managers accompany you from your first idea until the very last moment. We work with different, wide spectrum programming languages and Website & Webshop frameworks (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Woocommerce, Magento, Shopify … ). We use a holistic approach in order to best communicate your message and ensure that your brand identity shines through in every language, whilst remaining sensitive to cultural and linguistic differences.

Steps of web design and development

Our clients are often surprised by the possibilities we present to them; by thinking outside the box we present exciting new ventures:

  1. Get in touch – getting to know about your company or project
  2. Estimation of costs and set up of a time frame
  3. Design and Development
  4. Translation / Localization
  5. Deployment
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Just send us your questions and we will give you the help you need.