+33 7 78 19 13 79


Industries we serve

iCan Translate works in tight cooperation with different industries. In our rapidly globalizing world, every industry needs fast, accurate and reliable translations therefore the expert translators of our company have a considerable knowledge, a degree or previous professional experience in the domains where they execute the translations. Mastering the sector’s specific vocabulary and understanding the background contexte is imperative. This dual expertise ensures that the final result is always an impeccable, trustable and accurate translation of the source file.
Our linguists are available in the following industries:

Our international team of linguists provide the translation of any kind of documents, agreements, contracts, marketing texts, presentations, reports… that a company may deal with. Our professional team of translators have great experience or even a past in multinational corporate life assuring that the proper words, expressions and idioms are used to serve you with top quality translations.

Make your next translation project a success! iCan Translate offers you quality services combined with the the upmost strict confidentiality requirements in the world of a rapidly digitalized communication channel between customers, banks, asset managers and investors. Our language professionals understand the regulatory constraints impacting your communications and the intense quality focus they require. iCan Translate linguists have the language, industry and technical knowledge that ensure highly tailored, innovative and secure services that deliver value to every interaction.

Insurance documentation is often complex and very specialised. Insurance companies aiming to strengthen their global position must invest in translation in order to reach a wider clientele. Global market players in the insurance industry must ensure that their services are compatible with local infrastructures, regulations and processes.
iCan Translate ensures multi-language cohesiveness for all your insurance related documentation, including investment policies and updates, quarterly highlights, managements and annual reports, marketing and promotional material, policy documents and documents pertaining to claims investigations, online copies. Our linguists can meet all your requirements regardless the sort of insurance document including Accident and health & safety reports, accident reconstruction reports, contractual documents, coroner’s reports, engineering and other expert reports, international legal proceedings, medical records and reports, police reports. We offer a translation service that you can completely rely on during major litigations and dispute resolutions.

Accurate communication in healthcare can mean the difference between life and death. The healthcare industry is coming under increasing pressure to provide translation services for patients with limited English proficiency (LEP). Whether it’s translating patient information, medical documents or medical device manuals, our professional medical translators have the experience working with healthcare terms and materials of all kinds to ensure that your multilingual needs are met in a timely, efficient and accurate manner. iCan Translate linguists have extensive experience working with Pharmaceutical Companies, Medical Device Manufacturers, Pharmacies and Clinical Research Organisations.

The world of sports has become an ever-growing and highly productive industry. Enthusiastic and accurate sports translations help to unite the fans of different nations just like sports itself. Sport fans and athletes come from all over the world so whether you are a fan, an athlete, a sporting club, committee, a journalist, a coach or a sports doctor, our team of sports translators can provide you with the translation you need to reach a wider foreign audience.
We translate medical documents for players, websites to reach your fans, annual reports for your sponsors, players’ contracts, sport medical researches, studies and findings and sport news.

Fast moving industries need quick and accurate solutions. Transport your messages with the help of our expert and professional translators . Whether you work in shipping, transportation, logistics, or dispatch iCan Translate can deliver you the best solution in a short time. Our team of translators are not only experts in the field of languages but have a considerable experience at logistics making sure we deliver you the accurate, rigorous and fast translation you need.

iCan Translate linguists deliver reliable translations for your documents related to automotive manufacturing and dealerships. We offer a range of services, including technical, catalogue, manual and website translations. Whether your business is in vehicle production, agricultural equipment or aircraft maintenance, we can translate learning manuals, catalogues and promotional material, maintaining the integrity of each document and appreciating the nuances of the automotive sector. Our translators are all qualified professionals with experience translating specific sector terminology.

Would you like to reach diverse populations across multi-cultural barriers? We truly understand how important accurate technology translations are to launch new products in the industry of technology. Conveying the meaning of every bits and bytes then accurately adapting it into a different language requires care, accuracy and expertise. The professional team of iCan Translate linguists offer you their knowledge, professionalism and help to succeed on the global markets of telecommunications, hardware, software, mobile devices and consumer electronics.

Science cannot manage without translators. Companies in the world of sciences are increasingly doing business across international boundaries. In order to facilitate their work our expert team of translators provide accurate and professional translations in the field of Pharmaceutical Translations, Medical Device Translations, Biotech Translations, Clinical Research Translations and other Scientific Research Translations . Our linguists not only have an excellent knowledge of the language pairs they work with, but are also well trained in their respective fields.

Literary translation is of huge importance. It helps to shape our understanding of the world around us in many ways. Translation of literature is fundamentally different from other categories. García Márquez has been misquoted often as saying the translation of ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude’ was better than the original — what is very telling that he said it was more accurate than the original. Literary translations are interpretative, approximate and creative. They require a literary vein, sense of beauty and a considerable background knowledge of literature. In addition to rendering information to the reader, literary translation also has aesthetic functions. The linguists of iCan Translate focus not only on the translation itself but assure that the translated document should create the same image, feelings, thoughts and emotions as the original.