+33 7 78 19 13 79


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Do you need business, legal, medical, IT, technical, financial, scientific or sports translations in a European language pair? Does your business have multiple locations and compete in international markets? Perhaps you’re working on an international film script, literary piece or academic document? iCan Translate offers fast, reliable and cost-effective human translation services with 2 headquarters and dozens of professional linguists across Europe.

Our linguists and consultants have similar professional and educational backgrounds to those at generalist strategy consulting firms but with a significant advantage: 100% of iCan translators master their mother tongue at a very high level and have a deep knowledge not only of other languages but also a profound understanding of the cultural background in question.

Why are HUMAN TRANSLATIONS still important in the 21st century?

Google translate might do the trick if you need to quickly understand the meaning of a foreign text, but it simply doesn’t cut it for companies who need to translate materials for their customers. Sentences will be disjointed, words will be out of place, and common expressions will be mistranslated. You can’t afford these careless mistakes in translated materials that can have a significant impact on your company’s reputation.

Our services services allow you to communicate effectively with customers and clients wherever in the world they are based.

Why is it important to choose a qualified translation agency?

One small mistranslation can have dire consequences. There are countless examples of cases being thrown out of court, brands being damaged and humorous (yet embarrassing) translation errors.

To avoid expensive mistakes, you will need a professional company. Many people believe that being a native speaker of a language is enough to deliver a perfect translation. Well, it isn’t. First of all, the translator must master his own mother tongue at a very high level and has to be able to write without any grammatical or punctuation mistakes. Secondly, the translator must be familiar with the industry and the context of a given translation.

A professional translation agency like iCan Translate will have the right processes in place, the right linguist recruitment strategy and the right in-house team.

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Your Project

Whatever the size and scope of your project, our team of professional and experienced linguists is standing by ready to translate your content into the languages you need.

We know that every project is different. We take the time to get to know you, and to understand exactly what your requirements are. We always dedicate a project manager to every translation, no matter the size. This ensures our linguists have a full understanding of the context before we start the work. The result is a translation which appropriately balances speed and quality and is perfectly suited for your needs.

Just send us your questions and we will give you the help you need.